Gina Warren, NTP

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, but I’m also a wife, aunt, daughter, sister, friend, woman…

…just like you.

My story

My love of food is rooted in my Italian ancestry.

Growing up, food played a central role in my family. Countless hours were spent crowded in the kitchen with my mom and grandma, learning to cook the recipes their parents and grandparents taught them; or sharing a meal with family and friends.

It was never solely about the food being eaten - it was about connecting with the people we loved.

No matter how simple or complex, preparing a meal has always been a gesture of love. 

While I may have been born into my love of food, my appreciation for the power of nutrient dense, whole foods came from my own personal struggles.

In my mid 20s, as my health deteriorated, I was desperate for answers. I had gone from the picture of health to spending years struggling with chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, migraines, and many other debilitating symptoms. I felt like a prisoner in my body. 

But like many women struggling with their health, it was hard to find the answers I was looking for.   

Until I finally realized that I didn’t have to be a victim of my circumstances.

I could choose to take control of my health rather than passively waiting for the answers to find me. 

I needed to play an active role in advocating for myself and seeking out the resources and support I needed

Taking care of myself and regaining my health was my responsibility. 

If you don’t advocate for yourself, who will?

It’s through this process that I found functional nutrition and it opened up an entire world to me. 

It solidified that, in addition to social connection and rich tradition, food is medicine to our bodies. It’s the building blocks of life. It creates us, sustains us, and heals us.

Our health is built on the nutritional foundation we lay. When we lose our health we lose so much along with it - relationships, careers, and our ability to live a passionate and joyful life.

Through my own health journey I realized that more women need to be empowered to take control of their health because life is too short to live anything but your best life.

More women need someone to tell them:

“You do so much for the people in your life… it’s time to do something for yourself.”

Let me be that person for you.

What I want for my clients is what I want for my family.

I want a nutritionist that…

  • believes in the body’s innate ability to heal, when provided with the proper tools.

  • works to discover the root cause of concerns rather than recommending band-aid fixes.

  • listens to goals, concerns, and fears and addresses them in a kind and compassionate way.

  • collaborates to achieve and maintain the highest health potential.

Credentials & Affiliations

Bachelor of Science (University of Maine)

Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (Nutritional Therapy Association)

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (candidate)

Member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)

Take the first step towards a healthier you!

Schedule a FREE 30 minute consult to discuss your health challenges and how I can help.